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Magazines Industry

  “ Representations are a fundamental tool to allow producers to successfully target audiences ”. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Make reference to Woman and Adbusters to support your answer (30) Knee Jerk Reaction: Representations are absolutely essential for both of the magazines to target their audiences, they do this is in very different ways. Woman magazine is a simple, straightforward, sexist and stereotypical, while Adbusters is atypical, challenging and not for profit.  Woman: Front Cover A present for your kitchen Alfred Hitchcock Adbusters: Front cover Loubtions Water double page spread Plan: Patriarchal hegemony - The expectations reinforced on women by men in society Stereotypes Reception theory Anticapitalistic Semiotics (codes) Anchorage  David Gauntlet - Identity (pick and mix) Activist Complicated ideology Van Zoonen (the male gaze) Airbrushing Extremist ideologies promoting an activist lifestyle Gender performativity Paragraphs: How does the creme pu

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