Textual Analysis Toolkit



  • Codes and conventions
  • Layout and design
  • Composition
  • Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus
  • Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif), colour 
  • Mise-en-scène – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
  • Graphics, logos etc.
  • Language – slogan/tagline and copy 
  • Anchorage of images and text
  • Elements of narrative

Moving image

  • Codes and conventions
  • Camera work – framing, shot types, angle, position, movement
  • Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity/montage Structure/narrative
  • Sound – music/dialogue/voiceover 
  • Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 

Music video

  • Codes and conventions – performance/narrative/experimental features
  • Camera work (framing – shot types, angle, position, movement)
  • Editing – beat-matched?
  • Elements of continuity/montage
  • How does the video interpret the music and/or lyrics?
  • Structure/narrative
  • Intertextuality
  • Sound
  • Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 


  • Point of view and ideology 
  • Codes and conventions of news products/newspapers/type of newspaper
  • Layout and design 
  • Composition – positioning of headlines, images, columns, combination of stories
  • Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus
  • Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif)
  • Mise-en-scène – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up
  • Graphics, logos 
  • Language – headline, sub-headings, captions
  • Copy 
  • Anchorage of images and text
  • Elements of narrative


  • Genre codes and conventions 
  • Genre theory 
  • Genre fluidity
  • Camera work - framing and composition shot types, angle, position, movement 
  • Lighting and colour
  • Editing – pace, type of edits, continuity
  • Narrative construction, related to narrative theory
  • Sound – dialogue, music
  • Mise-en-scene – setting and location, props, costume/dress, hair/make-up 


  • Codes and conventions – changes over time? 
  • Layout and design
  • Composition - positioning of masthead/headlines, cover lines, images, columns 
  • Font size, type, colour 
  • Images/photographs - shot type, angle, focus
  • Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
  • Graphics, logos 
  • Language – headline, sub-headings, captions – mode of address
  • Copy 
  • Anchorage of images and text
  • Elements of narrative

Online media

  • Homepage and other pages
  • Codes and conventions
  • Layout and design
  • Composition
  • Font size, type of font (e.g. serif/sans serif), colour 
  • Images/photographs - camera shot type, angle, focus
  • Mise-en-scene – colour, lighting, location, costume/dress, hair/make-up 
  • Graphics, logos
  • Language - formal/informal mode of address?
  • Anchorage of images and text
  • Elements of narrative/structure around the site
  • Interactive features
  • Menu bar and navigation – structure and design of the site


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