Component 1: Advertising Media Language

Component 1: Advertising Media Language 

- Binary opposition: There is a contrast between the colours featured on the clothes of the headless woman behind, with the dark walls and the other woman's outfit.

- The title of the advert is placed in large, bold font to quickly attract the audiences attention.

- Binary opposition: There is a contrast between the woman's facial expressions. One is looking very scared whereas the other is looking very serious and seeming like she is proud of herself, this is unsettling to the audience. 

- Binary Opposition - Elevator in the background is very bright whereas the room before is very dark. This creates contrast. 

- Mode of address: The woman is catching the audiences attention by looking straight towards the camera. 

- Confusing and unusual image. Leaves the audience wondering what happened before. 

- Gives a shocking effect to the audience as two faces are looking at them. One is headless and one isn't. 

- Makes the audience want to buy the product as it implies this may happen to them thought the phrase 'Heads not hats'. It's almost as if it is sending a threat to them. 

- Also sends an indirect approach to audience as the woman is turned

Old Maybelline Advert Analysis 

New Maybelline Advert analysis

- Brand name is in bright, bold font to quickly capture the audiences' attention, so they know the product is made by the familiar brand. They will also recognise the logo.

-Close up shot on the woman's face, to show the audience clearly what the product looks like when worn

- A young woman is featured largely on the advert, to show the audience this is a product mainly targeted at young women. 

- This woman signifies to the audience what true beauty is supposed to look like. Encourages and makes them want to buy so they can look like that too.

- The product is shown twice, so the audience are aware of what it looks like, so they are able to recognise it when they want to buy it.

- Uses direct address to the audience, 'Don't just apply, style YOUR lashes' Encourages the audience to want to buy the product as they feel it is directly speaking to them personally.

- Background of advert is New York. New York is a city that represents rich and wealth. This makes the product seem fancy and extravagant. Encourages audience to want to buy product to feel that way.

Brioni Suit Advert Analysis 

- Looking away from camera represents his disinterest, shows he is too busy and has no time to look at camera

- Black and white background represents formality and masculinity. Gives a classic feeling

- The suit represents professionalism and that he is an expensive man - rich

- The lower shot represents power 

-Fancy writing of the brand name represents wealth and formality. This draws the audiences attention.

- The advert features an older man between the age of 30-50, this shows the product being advertised is aimed at men of those ages. 


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