Glossary & Theory

Glossary & Theory

Lexis - The different types of language used in an advert 

Mode of address - The tone and language used to address the audience

Headings and subheadings- The title and the text placed underneath in an advert. 

Z-line - The way the audience reads an advert

Rule of thirds -A frame is divided into thirds. This is how the important parts of an advert are presented.

Sans serif & Serif- The fonts that are used in adverts. Serif fonts have little lines or tails at the bottom, whereas Sans serif fonts do not. Serif fonts are typically more likely to be used in formal adverts. 

Ideology -  An ideology is a view, a system of values, an attitude and belief which an individual, group or society has, they are their sets of belief.  Their actions are affected by their ideology.

Levi Strauss - Levi Strauss proposed the theory of binary opposites. Binary opposites are the way two terms are opposite in meaning. It shows the contrast between two items.   

Codes and convention- A way of presenting meaning through a message to the audience. There are three different types of media codes: symbolic, technical and written codes. Conventions are the way the codes are conveyed


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