Superbowl commercial analysis

 Super Bowl Commercial Break 2018

What groups of people are represented in this commercial break?

There are a wide range of people represented in the advert made by Amazon. The concept of the advert was that Alexa had “lost her voice”, and Jeff Bezos needed to seek out replacements in the forms of other various celebrities such as Cardi B, Gordon Ramsey and many others. 

The first group of people who we see in the advert are the frantic workers from Amazon. They are portrayed as being very busy, this implies to the audience that the people who are employed by Amazon work very hard. Jeff Bezos and other important staff are shown to be very worried and distressed by what has happened. This has been done to show the audience who much the former CEO cared about his company and wanted the problem to be solved as quickly as possible.  

The second group of people shown are the regular people. This is to see how people are coping with this problem. They are portrayed to be feeling very lost and confused. This has been done to show the audience how much people rely on the Alexa to carry out their daily tasks in life, and how much of an important product it is to people, which encourages customers to consider buying the product.

The final group of people we see in this advert are the celebrities. They are shown to live their rich, expensive lifestyles and be in the ‘American dream’. This makes the audience envious by seeing the comparison from regular peoples lives and celebrities. 

Camera Work

In this advert, there are many different shot types, such as zoom in shots, mid shots and long shots. There are also zoom out shots. We can see an over the shoulder shot whilst the amazon workers are talking to Jeff Bezos. There is a lot of slow camera movement in this advert. 


The clips in the advert are edited together quickly. The advert gets to the point very quickly.


There is dialogue in the advert, in certain parts it is used for comedic use. 


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