Tide Advert Analysis


- In the subheading, there is use of direct address. The word 'You' is directly addressing the audience and informing them that this advert is targeted towards them especially. This is creating a personal connection with the audience.

- Placed in a Z-line structure as this is the format they will read the advert in, as they scan the page left to right. This is the typical way that any human reads. This allows them to look at every part of the advert easily and not get bored. The bright colours interest the audience as they catch eyes easily and appeal to more people. 

- There is sans serif font. The use of this is to create a sense of informality, the comic-like font/style of the advert also helps enforce this.

- There is an enigma code in the title. 'what women want' this leaves the audience questioning what it is that women want. 

- Bright colours symbolise positivity and happiness and easily catch the audiences attention.

- Stereotypical 1950s hair and makeup worn by woman to represent the standard of what a woman should wear/ look like.

- The love hearts placed on the advert create a semantic code of love.

-The woman that is placed on the front symbolises the fact that this product is targeted towards middle age women who are typically housewives. The links to the stereotype that woman are the ones who complete all the housework and not men. She is presented to be the 'perfect housewife' and attracts/encourages woman to want to be that.

- Happy facial expressions and the hug symbolises how much she loves the product and loves doing housewife like tasks. This shows the audience how amazing it is, which encourages more people to buy the product. 

- Repeated language in the advert to reinforce idea how good and incredible the product is 

Check out these super-retro Tide laundry detergent ads from the 1950s -  Click Americana

- Also has the comic like style font and design that is is in sans serif font, this continues the informal theme that is carried out through the adverts

- Again, there is a woman featured on the advert, to represent the fact the product is targeted towards middle age women who are housewives. 


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