Wonder Woman Mini Mock

- The colours that are used to represent the woman are bright oranges and red. This symbolises her power and strength. Whereas the man is represented through  a weaker blue tone colour. This again shows the binary opposition between the two colours.

-The bright light effect on her catches the audiences attention making them look at her, rather than the man. This presents her as if she is the hero in this movie, unlike how typically it is always a man. This goes against the stereotype that men are always the ones who are the strong, saviours and that they are hero of the story. 

-The fact she is placed in the centre of the poster shows that she holds more dominance over this males character, again breaking the stereotype.

- Breaks the gender stereotype as the woman holding the weapon instead of the man

- The weapon and armour she is wearing, makes her seem powerful and strong. This shows she is able to defend herself well, again breaking the stereotype

- Sans Serif font represent informality. The gold used represents wealth and luxury. The bold font is eye catching to the audience and again represents power. 


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