
 Newspaper Circulation 

Circulation - The amount of copies of a particular publication are distributed

- Newspaper circulation of printed news is decreasing as more and more people get their news electronically

- To stay current all print newspapers now have online sites which brand identify

- Drawback of this: Kill of print versions

News in digital age

-  Competition has risen in the news industry. 

- News is more efficient.

- As a business it is much smaller compared to print media

- Daily news system. 

- News is personalised and on demand 

Daily Mirror Research

Who owns this newspaper?

The Daily mirror is owned by the company Reach plc, who are a British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher. 

What are the circulation figures for print version of this newspaper? 

It has a circulation of 348,087 as of September 2021. This has decreased since the daily print circulation of 716,923 in December 2016

What type of stories do they include

The daily mirror typically covers breaking news including political stories, celebrity exclusives , real-life experiences, serious, heart-warming and funny, political scandals, investigations into wrong doings and the best sport. 

What is the the tone of the Daily Mirror?

The daily mirror uses bold large text in their papers, making it seem serious

They use lots of text and lots images on their front covers

Newspapers in the UK

We have 2 broad distinctions in the UK about newspapers

- Tabloid (or red tops) celebrity gossip based, informal newspaper

- Broadsheet factual, formal newspaper

Ideology - A system of ideals and beliefs, but often used to describe the ways in which power use their power to distort meaning and ideology can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

Left wing ideology -  Supports social equality and and is often is opposition of social hierarchy. 

  • Equality
  • Belief in the government regulation
  • The power of the government
  • Collectivism

Right wing ideology - Someone with right-wing politics would have a political position that views social inequality or social stratification as natural, normal, inevitable or even desirable. They will typically defend this political position on a basis of tradition..

  • Hierarchy
  • Free Market
  • The rights of the individual
  • Individual

Daily Mirror vs The Times

  • The Daily mirrors website uses bright eye-catching red colours, whereas the Times uses dark grey/black. 
  • The Daily Mirror is a tabloid newspaper. The Times is a Broadsheet newspaper
  • More images and less text in the Daily Mirror. Lots of text and less images in the Images
  • The Times website is presented formally, compared to the Daily mirror, which tends to be informal. 
  • The Daily mirror contains celebrity gossip.  The Times uses factual news stories


Key Term - Anchorage 

In creating a newspaper producers typically attempt to avoid polysemic readings. The process of forcing an audience into a particular reading is called anchoring and will often reveal the bias and agenda of a newspaper. 

Bias/media bias- Where the producers of a text demonstrate a prejudice towards a certain group, or favouritism towards another. A one sided perspective.

Agenda - the ideological goals of a media product. Often a media product will attempt to change the ideology of an audience, for example in a party political broadcast and these ideas will influence the way a newspaper decide to represent people, places and ideas


- Bias through selection and omission

- Bias through placement

- Bias by headline

- Bias by photos, captions and camera angles

- Bias through use of names and titles

- Bias through statistic and crowd counts

- Bias by source control

- Word choice and tone 

Compare how they manifest bias


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