Newspaper Industry

 How do models of ownership affect and influence the newspapers you have studied/ the newspaper industry. 

Means: Who owns the newspapers and how do they control them?

Ideology - a system of ideas and beliefs of the producer. 

  • Often used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning 
  • Ideology can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of the ruling class.

Hegemony - The rules and restrictions that are enforced through consent and coercion 

  • Political hegemony 
  • Patriarchal hegemony - male dominated society
  • Societal hegemony  
David Hesmondhalgh

- How cultural industries or media industries are structured

- Horizontal integration - Organisation owns companies in the same sector
- Vertical integration - Companies own different companies in different sectors
- Multi media integration - use of digital technologies to integrate media e.g. Disney plus
- Conglomeration - Companies taking over/buy out other smaller companies

To what extent is the regulation of newspaper industry effective?

Regulation - Age restrictions on films, video games,  etc.

BBFC - British board of film classification 

Netflix - Hard to regulate due to internationality, form of self regulation. 

Livingston and Lunt theory - Impossible to regulate media 

ISPO - (Independent Press Standards organisations) - Company that regulates newspapers in the UK

- Newspapers are not allowed to write about suicide or methods use. - can encourage people.

ISPO is a self regulatory system - not very effective

Explore how this newspaper positions its audience 

Audience positioning - How the audience are placed by the producer 

Stuart Hall representation: Reception theory - How audiences receive media products. 

Every media product has an ideology 

Preferred reading - Where audience agrees with the ideology of the producer
Oppositional reading - Where audiences disagree with the ideology of the producer
Negotiated reading - Where you agree with some stuff but disagree with others

My ideas:

- Bright colours show informality to target working class audience. 
- Informal mode of address targeting an inform audience.
- This suggests the targeting of a working class audience.
- The Lexis used is informal to help attract this audience. The phrase 'Porkie pie' enforces this
- Big text used so audience is able to see clearly.
- Targeted towards women. The three woman placed at the top and story about menopause show this
- Left wing audience target

                                                                          Class ideas:

- Informal language use
- Appealing to a working class audience
- Directly accuses the British prime minister of lying 
- Shows against prime minister
- Use of informal lexis on the acronym of Britain got talent makes use of assumptions, suggests formability of working class audience
- Negative representation of Boris Johnson
- Binary opposition shown between negative Boris Johnson and the happy two Britain's got talents Judges 
- Negative image of Johnson looking concerned and cowardly, represents bias of selection. 
- Red suggests danger, warning and excitement which suggests that the newspaper contains information that is shocking and surprising 
- Boris Johnson dominates the newspaper, which leaves the audience to focus on the negative.
- Uses simple language to target a working class audience. This suggests they are uneducated and need to read simple language to understand . Stereotypical representation 
- By constantly using simple language to communicate with the working class audience, the daily mirror may be creating a less educated audience to start relying on the mirror for the news
- This makes the audience far more easy to control
- Marxism Theory - Idea of those in power use their power to keep the rich, rich and the poor, poor. 

Is it possible to brainwash audiences? How might this process be carried out 

Nationalism and Patriotism: Devoted love of the country, which is believed to be the best in the world.

George Gerbner 

Excessive media consumption can contemplate something 

How have digital convergent technologies effect how audiences can interact with newspapers 

Digital convergent technologies - Coming together of previously separate industries thanks to digital technologies  

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Sharing and commenting system. Linked to different social media platforms gives audience the choice of how to interact with. Allows the audiences to share opinions, people may comment for therapy purposes or to seek agreement  Allows trolls to comment on articles to gain a reaction, which boosts their article. Allows the newspaper to reinforce their ideologies 

Advertisement. Banner adverts allows to target audiences more effectively 

Video inbedded  -  Gives audiences the option to watch as well as reading. 

  • Hard news - politics, death 
  • Soft news- gossip 


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