Newspaper Regulation

 Regulation in Newspapers 

  • Name the media organisation that owns the Daily Mirror ? (1)

Reach PLC.
  • What is the main purpose of the Independent Press Standards Organisation? (1)

It is the independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK, they deal with complaints from members of the public and conduct their own investigations into the content of newspapers and magazines.
  • Identify two ways in which newspapers are distributed. (2)

They can be distributed local and nationally.

The phone-hacking conspiracy

The scandal happened when it revealed missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone was hacked. Reporters captured her family privately retracing their daughters last steps. Milly Dowler wasn't the only murder victim targeted by the papers hackers. They guessed the pin numbers of celebrities voicemails and listened in. They breeched the privacy of Politian's, by writing an article about David Blunkett claiming he was having an affair with a married woman. They used the hacked voicemails as evidence. The hackers were exposed: Clive Goodman, Dan Evans, Glenn Mulcaire, Greg Miskiw, James Weatherup, Neville Thurlbeck and Andy Coulson.

The Levenson Inquiry was an investigation started by ex-prime minister David Cameron in 2011 and began hearing evidence from 650 witnesses in September over that year. Witnesses included celebrities, politicians, journalistic and editors and high profiled members of the public considered to be victims of the press. 

Three People who gave evidence:

-Madeline McCann's Parents
Victims of phone hacking. 
-Milly Dowler's Parents
Victims of phone hacking. Reporters gave her grieving family false hope that their daughter was still alive.
-JK Rowling
Privacy was breeched through reporters.


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