Representation in newspapers

 Representation in newspapers


  1. The group, people or issue on which a media text is focusing.

  2. The technical devices (eg images, language, layout, colours, body language facial expressions, tone etc) the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues.

  3. The message about the group, person or issue being created within the text (what are they saying/ implying about the group/ person/ issue)

  4. The impact of this message on the target audience (how the audience might respond).

  • The headline ‘Brexit delay mayhem’ and the use of the emotive words ‘surrender’, ‘defeat’ and ‘chaos’ represents Brexit  as disastrous.
  • The headline focuses on her defeat and implies the whole situation is her fault – there is very little description of the MPs who have challenged her.
  • This personalises a complex story by making it about the experiences of one individual rather than a complicated political process involving hundreds of people, very good for the target audience.
  • This is a technique used by the media to help audiences build emotional engagement about ‘dry’ political or economic stories. 


- On the front cover of The Times Theresa May is made to look weak

and emotional.

- The central image is a close-up photo of Theresa May looking distraught.  She has a pained facial expression and dark rings under her eyes which connotes high emotions and possible lack of sleep.

- The headline anchors this by making the defeat of her Brexit proposals into something more personal and emotional than political and factual.

- The language of the headline focuses on May’s emotions rather than her political achievements.  However, the tone suggest that she is justified in feeling this way. 

- Though Theresa May is shown as vulnerable the image used also suggest defiance in the face of adversity; she is not sexualised in The Times.

- Even though the reader may not agree with her politics, May is a very powerful woman, often portrayed battling against privileged male politicians.

- The bigger picture focuses on May as an individual.

-Most of the print is black on white, which connotes the seriousness of the issue of Brexit.

- The photograph could be interpreted as representing Theresa May as a stereotypical

woman: emotional, vulnerable and easily upset. However, the framing of the photo also suggests she is allowing her feelings to show in private, whereas in public she is more controlled.

The strap line and iconic logo drawn represents the Times’ history and reputation as a trustworthy source

This kind of woman is rarely seen in the media, and Van Zoonen would suggest that despite her politics, many women would aspire to her status.  The personal tone of the headline and photo build this sense of intimacy.

- Looks stressed, pained expression, pale skin and bags under eyes suggest she is stressed with her job
- The words 'heavy defeat' in the caption, help to anchor the meaning of the picture. They confirm we are supposed to see her as failing
- Wording like 'all but lost control' and 'heavy defeat' again represent her as having a lack of power and lack of success.
- Large picture connotes power
- The size and the placement of the article on the front cover, reflects the hard news values of the times and the way their educated readers would consider political issues important.
- The representation of women being unable to cope in positions of power may reflect the views of their primarily male readers.

The Times:
  • Features lot of small text
  • Black and white colours connotes seriousness of issue
The Daily Mirror:
  • Colourful text and images
  • Small amounts of text
  • Large picture fills up the whole page. All of the audiences attention is placed on Theresa may looking weak.
  • Using harsher words such as 'Humiliating defeat'
  • Show images of Theresa may having a pained expression, emotional and vulnerable
  • The photograph used in both can be interpreted as representing Theresa May as a stereotypical woman: Easily upset and emotional.
  • Large picture connotes power
  • Both create the impression that woman are unable to cope in positions of power.
  • Both create a negative representation of Theresa May by using the word 'defeat'


Feature - you should be able to say a few things about each feature.

Give specific and detail examples, discuss what is suggests about representation (issues, events, individuals, social groups eg gender, politicians)

Use of written language


Use of images


The central image is a medium shot of Theresa May: her hands are raised which could connote defeat. It could also indicate conciliation or resistance. This give a negative representation of May and this is something that would find favour with the target audience. She could almost symbolise the whole govt which is in a shambles and by targeting May it makes it easier for the audience to understand the issue (personalises a complex story) As a woman this make her seem…… As a politician this makes her seem…..

Layout and Design


Memorable Quotes


Other features you find interesting



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