Essay Prep

 How does the producer of women magazine use media language use ideology to represent women?

- Underline key terms

- Knee jerk reaction 

- The producer uses sexist ideologies to portray women 


DEFINITION: Representation refers to the way in which something is represented by the producer to maximise profit and demonstrate their ideology. Ideology - views and beliefs of the producer

ARGUEMENT: The producer of women magazine use sexist ideologies to keep women in their places. 

CONTEXT The set edition of women magazine was published in 1964 during post war Britain, second wave feminism and saw the right of women increase. Women's magazine sold 3 million copies per week. It is a lifestyle magazine

Paragraph 1:

Point evidence explain:

POINT - One way Women magazine portray women is in a sexist and straightforward way is through it's striking and straightforward front

Evidence: For example, the masthead on the front cover of the magazine is presented in a serif font which resembles feminine handwriting. This is further anchored through the lilac background of the front cover which functions as a symbolic code, suggesting femininity, softness and other stereotypical perspectives about women

Explain: The assumption that women should be feminine is an example of patriarchal hegemonic norm. The producer is clearly using this ideological perspective to keep women in their place. Through constructing a stereotypical and straightforward audience the producer ensures this audience comes back week after week

Conclusion: - An Overall summary 


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