Mock revision lesson 1: Unseen music video analysis

 The specific terminology that makes up a media product 

What are some examples of media language in an audio- visual product?

Mise en scene - anything in the frame

Close up, long shot, ECU, ELS, Mid Shot

Camera angles. birds eye view, front facing, high angle, low angle

Diegetic sound (in the world of the narrative)

Non diegetic sound (Soundtrack)

Editing - (Fast paced, slow paced)

Modes of address ( How media talks to the audience)

Audience positioning (where the audience is placed by media language)

How do we write about media language in an exam or essay?

Point - related to the question

Evidence - taken directly from the unseen or seen media product

Explain - Give your opinion

Roland Bart - Anything in media produce (codes)

Hermeneutic - Something that is not explained to the audience (Mysterious)

Proaeretic - Suggesting that something is going to happen (Action) Close up of cracking knuckles means fight scene is approaching 

Symbolic - Embedded codes - A deeper meaning A red rose is symbolic of love, war, death 

Semantic -  Something that creates meaning

Referential - Something that refers to another media product

Anchorage is where a meaning is weighed down by context. Combination of media language can make it clear to what is happening.

Polysemic - Where a media product has many meanings

Levi Strauss

Binary opposition - when two things clash completely with one another. Makes thing stand out and creates conflict  and interest for the audience 

Ed Sheeran Bad Habits

Stereotypical features of vampires ( Coloured eyes, Fangs, Flying, Dark Makeup) - Intertextuality of typical vampire films

Mise en scene of Bright pink/Neon outfits unconventional of what a typical vampire would wear

Binary opposition of bright, colourful vampires wearing crazy costumes and normal people

The darkness creates mysterious and creepy setting  which relates to the stereotypical vampire

Salon is a stereotypically female place, breaking gender norms

- The mise on scene of Sheeran's costume is comical and creates binary opposite

- Close up shot of the rose symbolises death and a loss of life

- The mise on scene of ketchup creates a symbolic code of blood this reinforces the idea vampires drink blood, reinforces the comical idea of the music video. Keeps to regulation 

- Performance of the bystander being thrown around constructs a 

- The run down inner city setting connotes working class lifestyle

- Representation of drag character

 - Video is radically different to his other videos

- Low angle shot making direct eye contact with audience which is a direct mode of address

- Sheeran's bright pink suit means that even though we are presented with many exciting scenes the audience are anchored into believing that he is the most important

- Mise on scene of the surrounding gang represents that Sheeran is in a position of power

- Sheeran is conventionally unattractive

- Queer coded drag like costumes intertextual reference to rupauls drag race


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