Aims and Intentions.

Aims and Intentions

Within my music video I intend to use complex narrative and performance to incorporate a creepy, eerie, and unique piece to my target audience. I want to include themes of the dark indie pop genre in this music video to attract that type of audience.

I am able to incorporate these themes into my music video alongside the use of the eerie, catchy song I have chosen. This links together well allowing me to enforce this sense towards the audience. 

Within my music video there will be:

  • Colour grading to enforce emotion in each shot (Dark red to represent feelings of horror/ anger)

  • Varied fast editing to match the still beat of the song

  • Fast and harsh editing cuts, allowing me to create a harsh and unsettling feel towards the audience

  • A range of different shot types, including establishing shots to maintain the creepy and eerie feel to the video

  • Natural light to enforce senses of nature/realism, contrasts with brightly colour graded shots

  • Close up lip syncing shots with no shown emotion to enforce this creepy and eerie sense.

  • Video interprets the meaning of the lyrics.

  • Contrasts between dark, creepy low lighted shots and brightly coloured shots

The social group of people I will be representing are young, working class teenagers aged 16-17 this is shown by the:

  • Three teenagers wearing stereotypical, inexpensive and relatable clothing. (Hoodies, jeans)

  • Familiar, relatable locations where teenagers often hang about (woods, fields, bushes, hills)

I will appeal to them by using:

  • Contrast between dark eerie shots and bright colour graded shots. This makes the video looks visually appealing especially to younger audiences, further attracting them.

  • The use of the catchy, repetitive and familiar song by a famous indie/pop artist that younger audiences will be able to recognise and enjoy. Song matches the vibe of the video. 

I believe my video will appeal to a younger teenage audience who are into the dark pop indie genre. The blunt, dark themes play into the typical teenage culture. The appearance of teenagers will help my audience to relate to these characters, appealing towards them. The music video will demonstrate digital convergence as it will be able to be accessed/consumed on a range of different media devices such as phones, tablets, TV and computers. These are also majorly used by my target audience, further appealing towards them. 

My production will conform to its industry context as it includes lip syncing which is majorly recognised and seen in music videos, It includes a variety of locations and harsh and fast editing that matches the beat of the catchy, familiar song. It will be just over 3 minutes which is the typical, expected duration of a music video. 

I will encode similar themes from my music video into my magazine. Through the use of mise-en-scene the cover will keep to a similar dark, creepy eerie sense, like the music video. This will help me continue to appeal to my target audience by using similar themes.


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