KA7 Exam


1) - Start each paragraph with the answer to the question. Use key words from question. 1 hour

2) Lots of media language, Steve Neal , Repetition and difference. Genre Theory. Whether it is typical or atypical to the genre. 30 mins

3) a. An AAA game is a game with a high production value, high profile game.

b. A conglomerate is a company that buys out different companies. 

c. Digital technology, Regulation - Livingstone and Lunt (The regulation of video games is impossible to regulate) 

d. Production and distribution, Digital distribution on multi platforms, made with digital production, Worker exploitation, Global audiences marketed all around the world. Creating a standardised product to appeal to audiences. 

4) a. Appeals to target audience. - Middle age, middle class, white women.  Negotiation theory. Working class may find it exclusionary due to the use of lexis.

Social and cultural influences.

Grade Boundaries:

64 - A
55 - B
47 - C
39 - D
32 - E


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